Shows whether IE mode is configured using group policies, and the policies that are applied.Įrror message: 'To open this page in Internet Explorer mode, reinstall Microsoft Edge with administrator privileges.' Shows the command-line string and switches used to start Microsoft Edge. Shows whether Internet Explorer mode is enabled, and how it's configured. If there's a problem, the user may be prompted to install a Windows Update. Shows the API version that's used, based on the configuration and OS. If not, the user can select Fix it to resolve the problem.
(Displayed only if the check fails.) Checks to see if Internet Explorer integration is set up correctly in the registry. This page also provides configuration information for the following categories: To open this tab, go to edge://compat/iediagnostic. You can get Internet Explorer mode diagnostic information on the Microsoft Edge Compatibility tab. Internet Explorer mode general diagnostic information Use the information in this section to diagnose and fix IE mode problems. This article applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later.